Samstag, 27.07.2024 13:19 Uhr

Travel, the best small cities in the world awarded in 2023

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 16.01.2024, 17:26 Uhr
Fachartikel: +++ Reise & Tourismus +++ Bericht 6956x gelesen
The best small cities in the world awarded
The best small cities in the world awarded  Bild: Giorgio Esposito

EN [ENA] The Readers' Choice Awards continue to capture the travel experiences readers love most – from cities, hotels, airlines, cruises, islands and luggage. This year, 526,518 travelers participated in the survey. Here is the ranking of the 'small international cities' preferred for historical sites .....

10a Dubrovnik in Croatia is splendid from all points of view, very long walks along the limestone streets but also walking on its ancient city walls to the warm sea that envelops it. 9a Reykjavik in Iceland offers otherworldly lagoons, hot springs and active volcanoes right in the city's backyard. 8a Bruges in Belgium is a picturesque European city that exudes charm from every cobblestone and canal that you enjoy endlessly navigating. 7a Porto in Portugal is a destination known for wine connoisseurs, but also for being the most creative city in Portugal.

6a San Juan in Puerto Rico retains a youthful energy with its community of contemporary artists and chefs, but you can still soak in a dose of history by strolling past the Spanish colonial architecture in Old Town. 5a Antigua de Guatemala in Guatemala is hidden among mighty Mayan ruins and smoking volcanoes, but the UNESCO-protected city also captivates with its cobbled streets and brightly colored colonial facades. 4a Puerto Vallarta in Mexico with the Old Town but also the Ocean Grill built in a rocky bay and serving grilled lobster and Yelapa Beach to fill up on fish tacos and spend the afternoon relaxing in a hammock on the beach.

3a San Miguel de Allende in Mexico A true hub for expatriate artists, this highland city is known for its Spanish colonial architecture and colorful facades. 2a San Sebastián in Spain, a favorite vacation spot of Queen Maria Christina in the late 1800s, has retained much of its splendor, which you'll find in the breathtaking views from the top of Monte Igueldo. 1st Victory in Canada with the reputation of being the most British city in Canada. Reportage >>> (Italia News Press Agency -

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