Samstag, 27.07.2024 07:17 Uhr

Travel, the best big cities in the world awarded in 2023

Verantwortlicher Autor: Giorgio Esposito EN, 16.01.2024, 17:26 Uhr
Fachartikel: +++ Reise & Tourismus +++ Bericht 7348x gelesen
The best big cities in the world awarded
The best big cities in the world awarded  Bild: Giorgio Esposito

EN [ENA] The Readers' Choice Awards continue to capture the travel experiences readers love most – from cities, hotels, airlines, cruises, islands and luggage. This year, 526,518 travelers participated in the survey. Here is the ranking of the 'large international cities' preferred and loved .....

10th Edinburgh in the UK is loved for its green hills and fascinating history, but also for a medieval old town, an extinct volcano and a regal castle in one city. 9a Melbourne in Australia is simultaneously sophisticated, elegant and free-spirited, plus an incredible arts scene. 8th Vancouver Canada has a competitive, creative arts scene, rugged natural beauty, and one of the best food cities in the country. 7a Oslo in Norway has a lot to love: high-quality coffee, elegantly designed hotels and lots of good food. The city is also incredibly bike-friendly, so you can go sightseeing around its lovely areas.

6a Copenhagen in Denmark is ranked as one of the most expensive in the world but offers a thriving beer culture, some of the world's best restaurants, royal history and immense walking and cycling areas. 5a Sydney in Australia is the ideal place for a holiday in any season. In summer (the European and American winter), enjoy al fresco dining and sunbathing on Bondi, Manly and Redleaf beaches. But also healthy walks at the Sydney Opera House. 4th Cape Town in South Africa with its impressive skyline, where rugged Table Mountain meets the great waters of the Atlantic full of great white sharks. You can spend your days relaxing on its white beaches or sipping chenin blanc at one of the many wineries in the area.

3a Seoul in South Korea is a modern city with many serene palaces and temples. But Seoul is also a shopping paradise, both for Korean beauty products and high fashion. 2a Tokyo in Japan continues to excite with ultra-modern neon skyscrapers and tranquil temples, unparalleled street style and centuries-old etiquette. Like a fever dream you don't want to wake up from, the Japanese capital also has more Michelin stars than any other place in the world.

1st Singapore has a growing contemporary arts scene, new hotels popping up and a commitment to start-ups and innovation. After enjoying it all or most of it, for relaxation, head to the rooftop of the Marina Bay Sands for a dip in its infinity pool and then immerse yourself in the city's gastronomic culture. Reportage >>> (Italia News Press Agency -

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