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Uzbekistan and Italy: New Facets of Cooperation

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome , 29.05.2023, 17:11 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 8726x gelesen

Rome [ENA] On May 29, 2023, has taken place in Rome by Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) the round table “Uzbekistan and Italy: New Facets of Cooperation” intended to be an expert platform for discussion on the perspective of cooperation between Italy and Uzbekistan in their bilateral and regional aspects. Participants commented on the establishment of cooperation in the areas of policy, trade, sustainable

development, efficient energy consumption and green economy, transport and logistics, as well as security in the region. The delegation from Uzbekistan, accompanied by the Ambassador to Italy, was made up of the Directors of the major government institutes of analysis and strategic studies, operating on the following topics: international relations, relations with the European Union and the Member States, macro-economic regional development. At the end of the Round Table, the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies of Uzbekistan and the Diplomatic Academy at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy signed with the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI)

agreements to promote an organic collaboration as a contribution to improving relations between the two countries. Central Asia is a unique region with its potential and opportunities, especially rich in human and natural resources. With a population of almost 80 million, of which more than 60% is the younger generation, Central Asia has 7% of the world's proven gas reserves and 7.2% of the world's oil resources. All these advantages are complemented by the region's location at the geostrategically important crossroads of the Eurasian continent, which connects the major transit corridors from North to South and from West to East.

The European Union remains a key economic partner to the Central Asian republics. The rapprochement of the regions is based on an EU strategy, formed joint platforms and special forums. Over the past 10 years EU member states have invested about $122 billion in the region, which exceeds 40% of the total volume of foreign direct investment in Central Asia. The EU accounts for more than a third of Central Asia's total foreign trade. Uzbekistan alone has doubled the volume of trade with the EU from $2 billion in 2016 to almost $4,4 billion in 2022.

There is a growing role of Italy also because next year Rome will chair G7 and Central Asian countries expect to be represented in this important international forum.

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