Freitag, 25.10.2024 11:21 Uhr

The world is awaiting its genius ...

Verantwortlicher Autor: Vugar Abbasov Nederland , 01.04.2024, 20:55 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 7154x gelesen

Nederland [ENA] Wars... has there been any time in history without wars? Presumably, not. I have once read somewhere that there was only a couple of months in the world history that elapsed without war... I assume there were also war during those several months, but those writing “a couple of months elapsed without a war” were unaware of it. We all condemn wars, while perpetrating them ourselves – we human beings.

Wars... has there been any time in history without wars? Presumably, not. I have once read somewhere that there was only a couple of months in the world history that elapsed without war. I assume there were also war during those several months, but those writing “a couple of months elapsed without a war” were unaware of it. We all condemn wars, while perpetrating them ourselves – we human beings. All the new weapons are being produced, which are more powerful and damaging. It is as if some countries compete with each other in this regard. As a matter of fact, they do compete with each other. I suppose it is those countries that instigate wars between nearby countries nowadays.

Otherwise why they would need to wage wars against each other? Gone are the days when some forces invaded and looted. Nowadays they instigating countries and not the warring countries become winners. Certainly, this and other points I am going to lay out here belong to me and you may disagree. The longest war in the world history was between France and England and (1337-1453) lasted 116 years intermittently. This war came to be known as “The Hundred Years’ War”. But at present there are wars that lasted more than 100 years intermittently that did not go down into the history as a "record breaking" war. For example, as far as I know, the first massacres between Armenians and Azerbaijanis took place in 1905.

Apparently, since this was not a war between two independent states, but only between peoples, it may not be counted from 1905 as the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In the years following that event, massacres, and then the war between the two states, Armenia and Azerbaijan, took place several times and of course with interruptions. The last war between these two states began at the end of the last century with Armenia claiming Azerbaijani lands and later occupation of Karabakh and seven other regions. A few years ago, Azerbaijan liberated its land, partially (most of it) in 2020, and completely (except for a few villages) in 2023. Unfortunately, a peace treaty has not yet been signed between these two countries.

I would like to emphasize here that the wars between these nations, both at the beginning and at the end of the last century, were instigated, or more correctly, created and sustained by Russia. If many states, including Russia were to give this opportunity, I assume a peace treaty will be signed soon. Another protracted war has been going on between Palestine and Israel for years, and if the war continues for a few more years, the record of "100-year war" will be renewed. I wonder if it will be renewed. I don't think we have any reason to deny that with this move.

From time to time, other Arab states also intervened in this war and then withdrew. Iran does not hesitate to threaten Israel every time. That is to say, theoretically, it is even possible for the war to expand even further, to spread over a wider geography. Let's hope it won't be. As I mentioned, there is no peace on the horizon in the Middle East either. It is also possible to extend the list. The wars going on in Africa, etc. we can extend the list by including in this order. But I don't feel the need for it.The first years of my childhood, adolescence and youth were spent in the Soviet Union, the USSR. At school, they taught us that we, the citizens of the USSR, are the happiest people in the world.

We were also taught that we are the happiest children in the world, children growing up in the USSR. Our teachers would say that we Soviet children have not seen war since the Second World War and will never see it again. We really did not see it until we saw the massacres committed by the Soviet troops in Baku on January 20, 1990 and in many other republics of the USSR in the following years. Those years, many anti-Moscow rallies began in many republics of the USSR and Moscow tried to prevent these movements by perpetrating massacres. In those years and after Soviet Union collapsed (1991), we, the Soviet children, came to realize that we had been raised with false propaganda for years.

We realized that the USSR was not a "dove of peace" as it was presented to us, in how many parts of the world, in Afghanistan, Hungary, etc. how many massacres did he do? We did not know about all of this and we grew up as "happy Soviet children" without knowing about it. One of the reasons why we grew up without information was that we had no means of receiving news, everything was delivered to us as Moscow wanted... ... And now we have the opportunity to receive news from all sides; TVs, radios, social networks, etc. Frankly, I sometimes figure out, which is better, to be ignorant and think yourself happy, or be aware of many things and live a stressful life?

...Wars... I am sure that most people are exhausted of these wars and war news. Finally, peace must come to the world. Let these wars end. Let there be peace. I wonder if that will ever happen. Will we see a world without war one day? I wonder if, for example, 100 years from now, when someone writes about this, they will be able to write, "From such and such year of the 21st century, there has been no war in the world"? One (Azerbaijani) poet, Huseyn Javid, at the beginning of the 20th century, wrote as follows: The person stopping the bloodshed, Is the genius rescuing the world - the world is now waiting for its genius. Vugar Abbasov.

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