Samstag, 27.07.2024 11:26 Uhr

Energy Strategies: Europe and the Mediterranean

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 02.04.2021, 17:34 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 6509x gelesen

Rome [ENA] The conference "ENERGY STRATEGIES. Europe and the Mediterranean: trends and scenarios for a connected energy market" was organised on the 24th and 25th of March 2021 by the NATO Defense College Foundation, in co-operation with the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, the Policy Center for the New South, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG, Terna SpA and the Union for the Mediterranean.

In full compliance with the pandemic safety rules, the two-day discussion was recorded and broadcasted live in a professional and interactive television format, on the custom-created, interactive and content-rich NDCF Talks digital platform. Out of the 21 high-level international experts involved, the initiative hosted the majority of them in-person in Rome, and gathered about 400 participants that actively contributed to a timely debate on the future of energy markets and security in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo - President, NATO Defense College Foundation, Rome said “Energy security may refer to the protection of infrastructures, to the security of transportation, to the overall

supply available to consumers and to the security of smart electric grids. But it can also mean international cooperation and “projecting security”. […] When it comes to energy strategies in the Mediterranean, we address a number of issues connected to each other: economic development, a green economy, regional cooperation, North-South connections, markets integration. A combination that may hopefully lead to a more integrated Euro-Mediterranean energy market”. Mohammed Loulichki - Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South, Rabat declared :“The North African power sector is not as dependent on energy import as Europe, for the simple reason that, with the exception of Morocco,

all North African countries are net gas and/or oil exporters. However, the region faces another challenge: security of demand is as crucial for the region, as security of supply is for Europe. […] Instead of being a debilitating factor, the uneven distribution of energy resources among the European Union and Southern Mediterranean countries can create future forms of interdependence”. Ahmed Badr - Acting Director, Project Facilitation and Support, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi said : “To scale up the renewable energy deployment in Southern Mediterranean we need to look at global, multilateral mega initiatives (like the Climate Initiatives Platform) that

should to be implemented within the local context”. Marco Piredda - Head, Political Scenarios and Institutional Support for Business Development, Eni, Rome: “For the future, I do not see a divided, fragmented, autarchic world. I see an energy system where interdependence will be very different but will still be there. There will be more power lines than pipelines, and one issue for energy security will be definitely cyber security and the security of very complex power lines”. Oded Eran - Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv said: “Many owners of natural gas are in a race of time. Assuming that the European Green Deal and the International Climate Agenda kick in, they have mostly 20 years

before the energy system moves to green energy. This is crucial for Eastern Mediterranean countries’ economy”. Davide Sempio - Senior Stakeholder Relations Coordinator, Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG, Lecce “We are called to retrofit the existing infrastructures. […] Retrofitting existing infrastructure and hydrogen are important elements in achieving a carbon neutral future and this is something that TAP is actively following. [...] The oil and gas industry will have to face this challenge […] to contribute to the overall security of supply in a greener environment”.

Grammenos Mastrojeni - Deputy Secretary General for Energy and Climate, Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona told: “When it comes to nowadays’ energy sector, there is no contradiction between playing with the rules of the market and playing with the rules of society’s adaptation to climate change. Not only because, if we let climate change become a disruptive factor, there will be no market, but also because, in the end, it is more convenient, it brings more revenue”. Rim Berahab - Economist, Policy Center for the New South, Rabat said: “The changing global energy landscape, not to mention the rising security threats to critical infrastructures, have made energy security an issue of crucial strategic

importance, particularly for NATO. As energy is traded over global distances, I do think there is a role for the Alliance in the protection of critical infrastructures and that it can use its expertise to try to anticipate any disaster or emergency. […] Developing regional institutional capacity requires active, consistent cooperation of multiple parties supported by the political will of member states, sound governance, and a strong and resilient cooperative framework”.

Guido Guida - Head, International Institutional Affairs, Terna SpA, Rome said: “We expect a significant increase in renewable resources by 2030. The challenges are to integrate this renewable energy sources in a grid system and to be sure to continue to manage in a safe way the grid. With this huge increase of renewable energy resources, there is an urgent need for adequate infrastructures in order to be able to transport these energy resources from the place where they are produced to the consumer, avoiding congestions and energy cuts”

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