Samstag, 27.07.2024 12:03 Uhr

Mondo Motori show 2022: a success for the full electric

Verantwortlicher Autor: Mario Bonesi Italy-Vicenza, 08.12.2022, 05:48 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Mixed News +++ Bericht 11943x gelesen
entrance banner with Giulia
entrance banner with Giulia  Bild: Mario Bonesi

Italy-Vicenza [ENA] Good turnout of the public who, during the two days of the fair, visited the pavilions of "Mondo Motori" the exhibition of cars, motorbikes and bicycles held on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 December, with interest directed above all at North-East - Italy.

With the weather not so clement we went to create a special with our Giulia De Battista, right on the second day, visiting a couple of pavilions.Hundreds of exhibitors with innovative products in all 3 sectors. Special attention has been given to the electric trade, with a greater concentration of "full electric" which, in our opinion, will replace internal combustion engines over time, at least as regards large-scale distribution. An ever-growing market that focuses above all on sustainability and on what has now become a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment with eco-green products.

The Mondo Motori weekend aimed to attract the interest of the public of enthusiasts and historic vehicles thanks to the market review which featured, among others, more than thirty two- and four-wheeled models from nine Triveneto clubs, present for the very first time at the Vicenza event. A journey that retraced the eras of motoring and road motorcycling of the 1900s.

Fiat - Laureati

Many young people, with various stands dedicated to "virtual reality" and willing to let the "new generations" try their products. Obviously there was no shortage of classic console games, especially dedicated to the very young. The second-hand market also took the lion's share and received a lot of attention and interest from the public. The used vehicles offered by dealers and private individuals, with specific reference to vintage cars, also for collecting purposes, testifying to the ability of Italian Exhibition Group SpA to defend and boost the offer segments on the basis of the economic and of the market trend.

But the absolute master was the new one, with most of the pavilion area representing a space/showcase for the car showrooms in the area, which met the general public and potential customers interested in discovering and getting to know the proposals of the new one of the reference houses of the automotive market, from the economic car to the top of the range, for a kermesse that places a great mortgage on the electric and on other sustainable power systems.

With "GidiferroTeam" and Giulia De Battista, we went to some pavilions of Mondo Motori 2022 on Sunday to collect some testimonials from the various stands. Many wanted to say and leave their testimony, both on their own automotive business and on their contribution to related industries. The result was a film of about 15 minutes that we offer (Italian language) Link - YouTube

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