Freitag, 26.04.2024 21:09 Uhr

Statement by the Government of Yemen

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Roma, 26.10.2022, 15:24 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 5011x gelesen

Roma [ENA] The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between theYemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies. Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen. On october 21st 2022 issued the following Statement on the Houthis terrorist attack of the Dhabbah oil terminal in Hadramout: “The Government of the Republic of Yemen

(GoY) asserts that all options are open to deal with the Houthis terrorist attack on Dhabbah oil terminal in Hadramout governorate & demands all countries to condemn this terrorist act and the rogue Iranian regime that stands behind it. The GoY indicates that this cowardly and terrorist attack is the 2nd of its kind Houthi drones have consecutively attacked the Rodum Oil Terminal on 18 & 19 October 2022 in a premeditated act targeting civilian and commercial facilities in a flagrant violation of the international law.

And while the GoY provided all sorts of facilitation to renew the truce & avoid any escalation, Houthis' militia is crossing all red lines and keeps threatening countries and oil companies in the region by blatantly declaring that they will attack infrastructure and transport lines. The GoY emphasised that by committing such act, the Houthis turned their words into action and committed this heinous attack only to prove their terrorist nature and their rejection of all peace initiatives to serve the agenda of the rogue Iranian regime on the account of the Yemeni people. Such act constitutes as well a blatant threat to international peace and security.

GoY draws the attention that if no strong and resolute action is taken to condemn this terrorist act, the peace process in Yemen, and the energy supplies in the world will be affected. Accordingly, the GoY reminds the international community of its responsibility towards such terrorist acts and demands all countries to take strict and strong measures to condemn it".

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