Mittwoch, 24.04.2024 17:59 Uhr

European culture in post-COVID-19

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome , 06.05.2020, 18:40 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Kunst, Kultur und Musik +++ Bericht 9005x gelesen

Rome [ENA] In post-COVID-19 Europe it is more and more crucial to rebuild the hard-hit cultural and media sectors. That must be a major objective in the EU’s recovery plan. The damage to the cultural and creative sector – especially for small businesses and individual actors – meant “more than just jobs being lost”. Europe must not permit that activities that state the nature of Europe – its rich, lively and productive cultural

and creative scene – disappear. Therefore the EU needs to quickly and directly support those affected. European culture and values have to be preserved “at all costs” and it’s crucial to support a plan for the cultural and creative sector as part of the wider European Union recovery plan. More flexibility for current programmes and structural funds are necessary as well as direct support measures must be considered, including a “repair plan”, which would provide the most fragile players with liquidity. An investment plan, supporting the whole sector in the long-term represent a sort of solidarity plan which should send a clear message of help .

Rome Walls

A specific plan to provide direct support for the media sector for small and larger media outlets which are losing most of their revenues from advertising is another important point. In fact, supporting the sector is crucial for a healthy democracy and for countering disinformation. With 40% of EU tourism linked to culture and cultural heritage sites the cultural tourism sector has been hit very hard by the pandemic.

What are the plans for recovery and adjustments in education, digital access, the sports industry, the European Capitals of Culture project, support for European cinemas and audiovisual production? One has to work hard to tackle the existential threat now facing the cultural and creative and the media sectors because they are essential pillars of European society and democracy.

These sectors are facing ruin and the European Union needs to do much more. It’s crucial to adapt the current aid package: the often small businesses and individuals making up these sectors take one look at the mass of paperwork involved in the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative through the Structural Funds and remain embarrassed . A good idea could be to tailor support to those people and help them access that support. Without delay the Institutions have to boost and adapt the Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility under Creative Europe to help the sector access further financing. A dedicated support for the media sector or Europe is going to lose its soul.

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